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Thursday, January 20, 2011

promotion and explosion

above^ is my behance portfolio if anyone's interested.
below is a video I am trying to promote (to learn how to better promote)

anyway the moral of the story is it takes a butt-load of work to promote, I've got this stupid video posted on atleast twelve websites including detfilms, vimeo, youtube, lafango, and several forums like videocopilot, studentfilmmakers, creativecow and some others I can't think of right now. so help me promote! need to learn how, need people to see my channel. Mostly really like my work, but not enough visitors. no views, no noticing. Working on it.
To start off my friends, some images from my more popular shorts:
28 seconds later
 All in Darkness
 By Permit Only
 Urban homesteaders cheesemaking
 CU boulder guided tour
 Day in the life
 RRP intro
 Dihydrogen oxide
 Manoa dorm room
 Killer homework
 Left 4 Pillz
 Manoa falls miniseries
 Matt's day
 Music video: god put a smile on your face
 Paper boy
 Senseless sci fi
 Survivorman: ken caryl
 syndicate subtleties
 the escape
 thrown out